Monday, October 12, 2015

General Meeting

Our October meeting will be held at St. Christopher's Church on Saginaw on October 13, 2015 at 10am. This will be a Halloween party for the kids, so have them dress in costume! We will have crafts for the kids to do. Please bring a snack to share and a bag of candy for the kids to pass out.
Hope to see you there!

October Events

In addition to our General Meeting, the following events are scheduled

Buger King
Yoga for Pre-K
Fire House
Walker Farms
Rust Park
Moms Night Out/In

Hope to see you at one of our events!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

MOMS Night Out

Thank you to everyone who participated in MOMS night Out!
It was a big success and we had lots of fun! We are going to be planning an indoor scavenger hunt in the winter, so watch you calendars!

September Events

In addition to our General Meeting, the following events are on the calendar:

Park Day
Burger King Lunchtime Play
MOMs Night Out
Spicers Orchard
Movie Day at Trillium
Moms Workout Time

Hope to see everyone this month!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Genesys Pediatric Unit

A big Thank you to the MOMS Club of Grand Blanc-East!

We received word that the Pediatric Unit at Genesys was in need of items for the kids to play with during their stay at the hospital. This past holiday season we donated Games, toys, coloring books, crayons and puzzles to the Ped Unit. They were very grateful for our donation. :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Events

In addition to our General Meeting, the following events are on the calendar:

Burger King Lunchtime Play
MOMs Night Out
Infant Playgroup
Preschool Playgroup
Play-Dough Party
Story Time at Library

Hope to see everyone this month!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Events

In addition to our General Meeting, the following events are on the calendar for June:

Fired Up Ceramics
Wojos Nursery
Rust Park
MOMs Night Out
Physicians Park